Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jared Staal signed to the Carolina Hurricanes

Earlier this week the Carolina Hurricanes got rights to Jared Staal and have signed him. Jared's older brother, Eric Staal, is captain for the Hurricanes so we are sure to see a family affair!
Click here for full article.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Playoffs Recap: Day 28

It is official! The Flyers and the Canadiens will play in the Eastern Conference finals and the Sharks and Blackhawks in the west!
Here is the schedule for the Conference Finals:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Playoffs Recap: Day 27

Oh fooey :( The Habs managed to knock the Penguins out of the playoff's and the Flyers are taking the Bruins to game 7. It was a bad day in hockey.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Playoffs Recap: Day 26

The Hawks played exceptionally well last night and are moving to the Western Conference finals against the Sharks!!!

Let's go Hawks!!!1

Monday, May 10, 2010

Playoffs Recap: Day 25

The Canadiens are continuing their annoying drive for the cup. Again the Cinderella team beat the Penguins and have forced a game 7 upon the defending Stanley Cup champions. Final score was 4-3.

Bruins failed to score against the Flyers leaving the game with a final score of 4-0.


Photo Blurb: Evgeni Malkin and Sidney Crosby


Playoff's Recap: Day 24

 Way to make it suck Hawks. In a game that could have easily closed the series the Blackhawks choked and let the Canucks have their way with them. The Canucks started off strong with a goal a minute in and it was smooth sailing for them from then on. The only Hawks goal came from team captain Jonathan Toews in the third period but aside from that the Hawks game sucked! The two teams will be back in Vancouver Tuesday for Game 6.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Playoffs Recap: Day 24

 The Sharks are the first team to make it to the conference finals knocking out the Red Wings. Despite a nice drive by the Wings who kept the game tied for most of it, the Sharks broke their playoff bad luck spell!
The Penguins pleased their home fans in a 2-1 game against the Canadiens. In your face CALAMARI!

Short and sweet :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Playoff's Recap: Day 23

 So Bruins OT... suck...
Blackhawks won though and there was another hat trick! Jonathan Toews completely took over last night and netted three goals, the game with a final score of 7-4 in favor of the Hawks!

Tonight the Penguins and Canadiens go at it in Game 5.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Playoffs Recap: Day 22

 The Penguins fought hard but fell short in tonight's game against the Habs. Pens/Habs final score was 3-2 despite an ongoing lead by the Pens. The series is now tied 2-2.
Crazy night in Hockeytown where Johan Franzen scored 4 goals in just one period and the overall score was 7-1!!! Guess the Red Wings aren't ready to end their season. Boys are back in San Jose Saturday for Game 5.

Big Buff and His Pucks

Dustin Byfuglien with his three pucks after yesterday's hat trick.

Exchanging Recipes Maybe?

The Hawks and Canucks go at it in front of the Hawks bench @ game 3 in Vancouver. The Hawks are standing high and mighty and totally mouthing off. When you're up 5-2 though you got bragging rights. Adam Burish? TOO FUNNY

Blackhawks Post Game: Byfuglien, Toews, Niemi and Keith





Showing off in front of Vancouver's crowd...

gotta love Buff!

Playoff's Recap: Day 21

So I'm beginning to think my Bruins shirt has magical mystical powers. Every game I have worn it for the Bruins have won and tonight's game was no exception!! Full recaps are boring so like always I'll give you the important details. Asham scored the only goal for the Flyers about two and a half minutes into the game. Two minutes later Wheeler scored and then came Satan's little sploosh. WOW! It looked like he was skating in slow motion and right as he was about to pass the net he tapped it in past Boucher. With two more goals scored in the third by Bergeron and veteran Recchi the Bruins were able to seal the game tight and now anticipate Game 4 in Philly where they very well may take the series.
The Hawks game was nothing short of FANTASTIC, EXHILARATING and VENGEFUL! Good god this has to be one of the most interesting series’ so far. The bad blood between the Canucks and Hawks only makes the game so much more interesting. Aside from exceptional game play you get a side order of extreme checks, mouthing off and lots of fights. The Hawks took the game with an ending 5-2 score and pretty much laid out the Canucks while at it. The star of the game was Big Buff though who got the first Hawks playoff hat trick since like the 70s! With only three minutes left in the game an all out brawl ensued right in front of the Hawks bench centering around Bolland and Burrows (video coming soon). You can see the Hawks bench all smiles, Burish and Eager mouthing off, as O’Brien is backed away, HILARIOUS. The Hawks now lead the series 2-1 and return for Game 4 in Vancouver on Friday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Playoff's Recap: Day 20

20 days of playoff's and the action is only getting better!
Today the Penguins and Canadiens played their first semifinal game in Montreal and unfortunately things did not go well for the Canadiens. Fleury managed to get a shutout (looks like he's finally starting to play like a Stanley Cup Champion) and Malkin finally netted one after a five game dry spell. Just because they lost does not mean the Habs didn't play well. Halak was still a force and notable presences on the ice were former Florida Panther Dominic Moore and P.K. Subban. The Penguins now lead the series 2-1. The Habs and Pens go for game 4 in Montreal on Thursday.
Hockeytown fell silent tonight. The Sharks have taken a strong 3-0 lead over the Red Wings after yesterday's OT game. Despite early goals by the Wings and even a penalty shot opportunity, the veteran team fell to the California team. The Sharks hope to close out this series Thursday night in Detroit.

Tomorrow's Schedule:

Video of the Day: Chicago Blackhawks

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


That's more like it!

Finally a night where both my teams win!

B's take Flyers 3-2...up on series 2-0 heading to Philly.

Hawks win it 4-2...tie series 1-1 heading to Vancouver.

Hopefully the Pens & Sharks can pull off W's tonight...completing a quartet of wins for my teams. 

Playoff's Recap: Day 19

It was a great day in Hockey for both the Boston Bruins and Chicago Blackhawks.
The Bruins have taken a strong lead over the Flyers after today's win in a 3-2 game. With goals from Satan and Boychuck the Bruins are off to a great series start.
The Blackhawks game was another success. Canuck Mason Raymond got an early goal followed by another by Mikael Samuelsson but the Hawks didn't stop their game. Brent Seabrook netted one in the first and from there on the team had some momentum. With no scoring in the 2nd the Hawks came back in the 3rd with an amazing goal by the Sharp Shooter Patrick Sharp. Steeger's game winner showed just how great the Hawks are at passing the puck and then Patrick Kane sealed the deal with an empty net goal with 45 seconds to spare. The Hawks are back in the game and have tied the series 1-1.

Tomorrow's Schedule:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Playoff's Recap: Days 17 and 18

Again sorry for bunching up day. No in depth recaps today. All I can say is that thye Blackhawks got RAPED!

Saturday's Scores:

Sunday's Scores:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Playoff's Recap: Day 15 and 16

Although I have a strange attraction to the Wings I will admit I did not watch the game. I caught some highlights the following day but that's all. The Sharks took an early lead in the game and it looked like the Wings were going to get shut out but they made an amazing comeback. The Sharks kept the lead though and won 4-3.

The Penguins/Canadiens game was a blast of energy and it is safe to say that Halak has met his match. The Penguins got 4 pucks past Halak before the Canadiens put Price in. Although they had  a great win with a final score of 6-3, the Pens still suffered a great loss when Jordan Staal took the blade of P.K. Subban to his foot. Staalsy had surgery to repair a lacerated tendon and although he is not ruled out of the rest of the playoff's he is currently on day to day.

The Hockey Bees hope for a speedy recovery and may Staalsy be back soon!

In just half an hour the Chicago Blackhawks begin their series against the Vancouver Canucks so be sure to watch!!