Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fight Night!

Wowowowow...what a game! I am proud to announce that the Panthers REAMED the Flyers and won 7-4. Right from the get go the game was pure fire! Three seconds into the game Campbell & Laperriere did a little dance, and two seconds after that Tarnasky & Asham tangoed. Two fights in the first 5 seconds! I had excitement coming out of my pores...that's the kind of hockey I LOVE to watch! But it wasn't over yet, less than two minutes later BOOOOOTH got into it with Richards...can we please say REDEMPTION! As if that wasn't revenge enough, he scored a goal (his second in as many nights) & had three assists, four points on the night for him...sweet justice! I do apologize for not having more faith in my boys, but after the month of February, I think I was allowed a little skepticism.

Saturday night the Carolina Hurricanes are in town, which means one of my favorite brothers from the NHL will be visiting South Florida. I just love those Staal men. I'll be there also cheering, hoping and praying that the Cats can carry over tonight's aggressive style of play.

As if the hockey gods heard me it was pass, shoot and score all night.

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