Friday, March 5, 2010

The Worlds Best Hidden Treasure: An Introduction

This girl has finally discovered the worlds best hidden treasure: hockey. Fast-paced, intense, entertaining and not to mention abundant with eye candy. I can go into statistics and the history of the game but really who wants to hear about that?

No no, here you'll read about Ovechkin's antics and how damn sexy he is when he slams his body into the glass after a goal. There'll be talk of that kid named Sidney who seems to up his game every time his skates touch the ice. Staal will be everywhere, after all there are four of them, and you'll get game talk leading all the up to the Stanley Cup finals.

We try not to be biased here but everyone has their team. Mine? Living in Miami I am sort of obligated to go for the Panthers but talking favorite I'd have to go with the Penguins. There's just something about that #71 that keeps me on the edge of my seat... Oh! and #58? He can speak French to me anytime.

Wait but what about he who wears the yellow laces? I do love Candy KANEs and there's that #20 from the Flyers.

Oh snap, picking just one team is virtually impossible. You know what? I think I'm just gonna go for the panthers-penguins-capitals-blackhawks-flyers-hurricanes. Yeah, I'll just go with that.
The Hockey Blah is now open for business.

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