Thursday, April 29, 2010

Seed of doubt planted...

Oh how the mighty have fallen. With the exception of Brooks Laich (because in my eyes that man can do no wrong) the rest of the Washington Capitals find themselves in an odd bad side. After the beyond amazing season they had, their run at Lord Stanley was cut short by the 8th seeded Montreal Canadiens...8th seeded!!! Un-fucking-believable. With the arsenal of weapons the Caps had all season, NO ONE showed up to play. Their power play went to shit, along with most of the big boys on the team. As a captain Ovechkin was nowhere to be found, the team just seemed to fall apart.

Now I'm not taking one red cent away from Montreal, they came together to rally from being down 3 games to 1 and proved to be a serious contender for the cup. Halak, MVP of the playoffs as of right now...131 saves in the last 3 games...hello?!?! That is fantastic. Brodeur who?!?!

One more question begs to be will this affect the Caps next season? After a meltdown of epic proportions, how can they bounce back? In the end there's only one way to describe the ending to the Capitals season...sucky.

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