Thursday, April 22, 2010

Officially in LOVE with playoff hockey...

Last night's game between the Bruins & Sabres made it crystal clear as to why the NHL playoffs are the best to watch. DOUBLE overtime!!! It took almost an extra 40 minutes for a decision to be made. Ultimately Satan became the hero of the night scoring a siiick goal about 8 minutes into 2OT. It was amazing to watch...if I would've still been in Boston, you better believe I would've found a way to be there. Bruins are now up 3-1 in the series.

The Washington Capitals also won their 3rd game in the series last night. I was recently hit with a reality, when the Caps & Pens win their respective series, they'll be facing each other in the next round. Super conflict of interest! I love my Pens, but the Caps are so much fun to watch! That series will be the death of me. The Penguins should wrap up their series tonight back home.

And lastly, my Hawks play tonight also. Tuesday nights game just sucked, I actually turned it off after the Preds 4th goal. How are they going to make it to the finals if they keep up with the shiteous play?!?! Pick it up!!!

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