Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brooksy is Back!

Looks like Brooksy was all the Caps needed to get back in their game. With Brooks on the ice, behind a cage of course, the Caps beat the Thrashers 2-1 Thursday night at home with goals from Nicklas Backstrom and Matt Bradley. 
No score from Ovechkin in this game. Ovi better pick it up because Steven Stamkos has tied him and both have the second most goals in the NHL behind Sidney Crosby's 47.Weird considering the Lightning are doing even worse than the Panthers. Must be pretty frustrating for Stamkos.
Tickets for playoff games are already on sale! Be sure to visit the Capitals website for more information.  
Tonight I will be at the Rangers @ Panthers game so news on that tomorrow. Hopefully the Cats can reciprocate what they did with the Bruins and win again. 

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